
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome to Google Adsense

So many months already but still never earn money in Internet marketing. The IM program that I signed up did not make me a single cent as promised in the seminar, despite my many time and effort spending on it and following exactly what was taught. Google Adsense is required form monetization but the problem is many of the members including myself, applied for the account but was always being rejected for reasons such as site under construction; unacceptable site content, etc. What we were told by mentors and Shaun was to keep trying and trying... BS! I applied about 3 times using different IP address and names but were still being rejected! So, I resorted to buying one account at for US$25 in Jun 10.

No news from them and I email to enquire in July 10 but their response was to ask me to be patience... In August 10, Adsenseg refunded my US$25 probably because they could not get one for me... I gave up!

To my surprise on 23 Sep 10, I received an email from adsense!

Welcome to Google Adsense

Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:18 PM
Add sender to Contacts
the payee name Tan Kim Lan is approved.,

kindly make a payment of $25 to

As soon as i receive the payment, will sent you the login details.,


I was a bit skeptical when I saw this email because it could be a "scam" or case of someone posing adsenseg to cheat my money... However, I saw that the payee name was indeed my name, I choose to believe and paid up. The worst thing is that I only lose US$25, right?

Indeed, adsenseg sent me the login details! Yoohoo...!!!!

The first one I told was my IM good friend, JH. He was initiating autoblogging just a few days ago only but I was lamenting that I did not have google adsense.... Perhaps, it was "Law of Attraction"....

For the next few weeks, we embarked to create a few autoblogs and added all adsense to all my domains .... (Twalk domain site) (Snipr site) (Snipr site)

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