
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Bye, Ah Gu

On 18 Aug 11, I received a call from my elder brother, informing me that he, my mum and my brother-in-law were at outside my uncle, Ah Gu's house but no one opened the door. They were there because of Ah Gu's colleague called my mum telling her that he has not reported work for a few days already and asking if she knows his whereabouts.

Opps! Bad feelings filled me... Ah Gu, aged 57, was a bachelor and staying alone in the house. What could have happened to him? He couldn't have gone overseas as he did not have a passport... My mum communicated to him by phone once every other week and nothing unusual about him...

My brother then called again to broke the news that he tried opening the main door and foul smell was detected. They then called police. I rushed down from work to his house in AMK as I felt that I should be there to comfort and take care of my mum, who was closed to her this brother, fearing that she could not accept the bad news.

True enough, Ah Gu was found dead, beside his bed. He died from a heart attack about 4-5 days ago! We had met for dinner to celebrate my mum's birthday only on 7 Aug 11 and he was gone forever...

Ah Gu lead a very frugal life and was very thrifty in all ways. He has some savings but he didn't really have a chance to spend it... Sigh... So, sometimes, I feel that we should pamper ourselves a bit just in case we left the world suddenly...

One more thing to note, in remembrance of him... We will miss his radish cake roll that he sometimes made for us, which our whole family loved to eat...Good bye, Ah Gu!

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