
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chalet & BBQ with Family

5 years ago on 26 Jun, my niece, S, was born. For this day, my sister and brother-in-law got busy preparing to celebrate the occasion with a birthday party with a barbeque at the Downtown East Chalet. Other than my niece's classmates from pre-school and friends, we, family members were there in a joyous mood to offer our blessing wishes to the birthday girl.

Really enjoyed time spent with them and of course the food! Some of the delicious food to share with all.

Food items that can't do without in a BBQ includes the succulent marinated chicken wings, beef, prawns, squid, hotdogs, etc....

A special dish ordered by my brother-in-law is the "Lamb shank in herbal spice". The meat was very tender except that the marinates were not that favoursome. However, it is still good.

Next item is the one that I would recommend to all is the "sweet" clams that was cooked in aluminium foil. I do not know the name of the clams but they have a yellow white flowery patterns on the shell. The clams were mixed with beer, yes, just beer, and wrapped in an aluminium foil and cooked. Oh... the aromatic, sweet meat of the clams with a tinge of beer taste is heaven!

Yummy nice! You can try this next time

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