
Sunday, June 6, 2010

How Times Flies!

How times flies... Suddenly, I realized that I have this blog and have been neglecting it without any updates...

How times flies... Suddenly, I have been in this world for about more than a third of century, with a loving husband for nearly 13 years and a lovely daughter who is nealry 9 years old! I feel i am so old...

How times flies... Suddenly, after working for 15 years, I no longer am in the working force anymore and have been enjoying a life without a boss for 4 months already!

Just to vent my anger as I did not really tell others why I quit! I was really not satisfied with my job then, due to unfairness in work scope and salary. I was being appointed for a much higher responsibility post in my company and eagerly looking forward for a much challenging work. I worked hard to overcome the sudden change of work scope and was once overwhelmed by the amount of responsibility that I need to take. However, I persisted with the breathless pressure because of a group of nice colleagues around me. Soon, I came to realize that my seniors or even the new comers are getting much higher pay than me when they have the same amount of project / job scope as me. If you say it is because of their experience, why am I having the equal amount of work as them?? Unfair!!! One senior that I knew has only 1 project at one period of time and my boss was not doing anything! I don't know what they were doing!??? Is this fair? Other incidents such as my own staff not providing proper feedback and not doing a good job to my satisfaction and end up I was like... have to take the blame... which I couldn't "swallow" it!!! Again unfair!!! With the stress accumulating each day, I rather give up the job than to suffer from all these unnecessary nonsense that I did not like...

I like my lifestyle now as I am doing things that I like now. Except that my savings are depleting each day for as long as I don't go to work. I am getting my hands in the internet marketing and learning as much as I can and make money online. I like the current status of working alone without the need to report to someone or clients, other than me myself. I am enjoying this type of lifestyle right now so much that I do not know if I will want to go back to worklife again.

While times is flying, there is no way you can stop it. Make full use of time and let me find my direction in life and achieve my financial freedom soon...

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