
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life Changing Decisions

I have always been reluctant to changes in life. Perhaps, I was contented with my lifestyle or simply not interested to take action to change.
Well, after I really got sick of my worklife, I made a very big decision early this year. I quit my job and intended to sit around doing nothing for 2 months before getting another job. I was going to award myself by giving myself a big rest and to think of what I really want for my life.
Then, I chanced upon a course, "Millionaire Investment Program" (MIP) where they teach you value investment and how to invest like Warren Buffett. I took interest in it and paid about $3000 for this 3 day course hoping that it will change my lifestyle if I master the strategies / skills and invest like Warren Buffett. Sad to say, this course didn't have any effect on me, probably there was no strong support after that and you got to "swim" yourself...
However, the best part was that this MIP course offered me a ticket to attend  "National Achievers Congress" (NAC) held on 27 - 29 Apr 10. What's THAT??? Never in my life I heard of that but because the ticket was free and I got nothing better to do, I attended the full 3 days seminar.
I was glad that I signed up MIP and attended the NAC. The 3 days NAC seminar really blew my mind away as I never know that there were so many avenues of making money and creating multiple streams of income, which most of them I would never ever thought of it at all! There was many speakers talking about different ways of creating wealth such as property investment, tax liens, transforming of business and sales, trading and forex and also internet marketing, etc. I felt so overwhelmed and excited about this and was cursing myself for wasting so much time and not know all these money making things in my whole past 36 years. As there were many up-selling throughout the 3 days and all of them were superb, I can only choose one as I can't afford to join all programs. I finally picked the most impressive speaker, Shaun Stenning on internet marketing where he make thousands of dollars in a short span of time. I have been on his program, Twalk, since May 10 and I am glad that I took action. Now, I'm learning as much as possible on online marketing and I believe that I will earn a lot of making money online. I have no regrets and my passion on this thingy is ever so great.
Did I motivated you? Go ahead, make decision to change your life and don't regret. Once again, I am changing my lifestyle for better...
Look out for my next post for more sharing and insights on my internet marketing journey...
Till then, see you.

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