
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life is Vulnerable....

Recently, got to know that my polytechnic friend, A, was diagnosed with cancer.

She was supposed to get back to me and my husband on some traded endowment fund insurance policy but didn't hear from her for sometime. We called her and after some probing from us when she told us that she was sick and on MC, she then revealed that she got cancer.

Perhaps, we didn't realized our insensivity when we asked about her illness and plans, etc... we sensed that she didn't want to talk about it.... She used to the the chatty type where she can continue to talk no end... but ...

It is already a sad thing to know that she got a terrible illness to live with and furthermore, she must have felt the pressure that she has to get married as soon and to conceive asap...

Sigh.... Life is so vulnerable...

Just not too long ago, the popular Taiwanese drama "Ai" was showing that "Jialing" was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The heart wrenching thing that brought me to tears was her loving husband was so sad to know it and had to keep it from her. I was thinking that if I had "cXXcXr" (touch wood!) and dying soon, what will happened? The feeling of waiting to die must be terrible but the worst thing is that I will be damned sad too because I know that my family, my loving husband and Zozo will be sad too....

Life is vulnerable... You won't know that if you are the "lucky" ones...

I hope that everyone in this world be healthy, free from all these nasty illness and free from sufferings... Have a happy life...

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