
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Downgrade From Master Bedroom to Normal Bedroom

It's time to move out of my Master Bedroom to get ready for my hoarder 3rd sis-in-law to move in... :(

Somehow, got the kind of feeling of imbalance and angry and no choice inside me...

13 years ago, I agreed to move in to stay together with my in-laws because my hubby is the only son and I "understand" that he has to take care of his old age parents and that mentally retarded 2nd sister. So, I have no choice but to agree because I love my husband. That time, I always envious newly weds having the experience of choosing, buying and decorating their nice cozy house that called their own... Although I was then added as a co-owner in the house deed to help pay for the mortgage loan, owning 25% of the house, most of the things in the house was already fixed and I have no say in decorating / commenting / changing them. What I have is a Master Bedroom which we have renovated up. This is the only place that I truly said, is my own, in the house.

So, I have been staying in this kind of lifestyle for years until both my in-laws passed away. FINALLY! From 25%, it became 33.3% till now 50% share of the house... I got more say in the house!

BUT, because of my hubby's idea to let her sis move in so that she can fetch more rental income and at the same time, our domestic helper can help to take care of her, I again have to "understand" my hubby's position. That means, my agreement on this matter will require major changes to my lifestyle. Not only my Master Bedroom have to be given up for them, due to the countless useless sewing materials and things from my 3rd sis-in-law, I have to let her occupy another bedroom for her sewing purpose!

See! I have to convert study room to become my bedroom, gave up my Master Bedroom and my MBR toilet and another room for them, including sharing everything in the house with someone again.

What choice do I have? I think I am a very "understanding" women and also I "bo pian", need to agree to what my hubby say, because I love him.

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