
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back to Work Life?

I have not been working since end of Mar 10 and was doing internet marketing all this while. Sad to say that I achieved nothing in IM and even spent a bit of money for some useless IM courses.

I had thought of carrying on without working, spent my savings away and then depend on my husband to "feed" me. However, thinking rationally, this is not going to last forever. Then, I thought of finding an easy, without stress job, just enough to live and survive... And, I set a dateline to start finding a job early this year.

In early Jan 11, several weeks ago, I received a phone call from a "friend", who was the client's representative when I was a consultant PMgr. He told me that his Architect consultant was looking for a PMgr to replace his quiting PMgr for a job site and he highly recommended me to return to PMgr world.

Was it Law of Attraction? Just when I wanted to go back to work life and here comes the opportunity. well, I had mixed feelings as I was quite reluctant to work back that kind of stressful PMgr role but then, I need a job to feel rich again (because I was spending my savings and been living very frugally for the past year.) Moreover, I am going to face that fussy "friend" as he will be the client's rep again for that job site. Anyway and finally, I agreed to let the Architect consultant to call me for an offer.

Two weeks passed and no one rang me. Just when I almost gave up hope, the director of the consultant company called me and invited me for an interview on 25 Jan 11. Yeepee...!

The interview went well. I do have a feeling that he will employ me as I do have the very relevant experience to oversee the lift upgrading project and additionally, I had high recommendations from the client's rep, aka "friend". I actually do not know what is the current market rate for PMgr but surely I knew that I was grossly underpaid in my previous sucking company. I asked for a much higher pay than my previous although I still got a feeling that I may have asked too less. Well, $5K a month is still much higher than what I got previously although some terms and conditions are different, such as 5.5 days week and 14 days annual leaves compared to my previous 5 days week and 21 days annual leaves... Unless the company thinks that I am too expensive to employ, I should stand a much better chance than the other interviewees.

Good news! The director called me today and offered me the job! Hooray!!! Bad news? I need to seriously consider if I am really ready to embark my "rough" ride in work life again. Sigh...

I will brave up and take up the job! Being unemployed did make me feel some sort of "socially deserted" and "embarrassed" at times because I am not that rich but people think that I am very rich to be able to afford such a "tai tai" lifestyle. I also avoided going out with my ex-colleagues and friends so that I will not incurred extra expenses and also to avoid them asking too much of my current lifestyle. However, I am extremely satisfied and happy to be so carefree and stress-free staying at home to work on my IM business!

Ok,  I told myself that when I am back to work life, I will be a better leader and approach things / problems in a more matured and decisive ways. I find that I can look back of the ways that I dealt of problems previously and hopefully, I can handle in a much better way so that I can be less stressful.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sicko Movie - Saw 3D!

I watched the first moive, Saw, a few years back and knew that this movie was a show meant for sicko people because of the elaborate planning and psychotic killing scenes.

Since then, I did not watch any of the 5 other Saw movies simply because I seldom go cinemas to watch movies; my husband will be too scared to watch these kind of gruesome movies; and I will not want to allow my daughter to watch for fear of affecting her young mind....

I have installed on my laptop and I can conveniently watch available movies online anytime I like. There was this much-talk-about Saw 3D movie (the 7th sequel of Saw movie) and so I just click to watch. Before I decided to watch, I did prepare myself that this is a bloody gory movie, the scenes are scare tactics that are not real...

Hmmm... damn it! I don't know if it was a mistake to watch this movie... The script writer and the director are damn imaginative and know how to manipulate people minds with these psychotic decisions and the killing scenes are so real...

The movie opens with a glass cage. Two men who apparently know each other wake up chained to either end of a table saw. The puppet "Billy" rides in on a trike and says they each have to decide whether the other guy will die, so that the girl that has been dating both guys, suddenly revealed to be suspended above them, will live, or choose to live and let the girl die. The girl tells one man she loves him and the jilted man starts winning. Then she tells the one who is about to die that she loves him and he starts winning. Then they agree to let her die and she is sawed in half, spewing blood out of her mouth and intestines on the floor...

Errm... wanted to stop watching the movie because it was a terrible sad thing to watch people decide who should die and to die so horribly... But I told myself to have guts to stay on and finish off the movie. So here's another scene...

Some white supremacists are at an abandoned junk yard. The driver is super-glued to the driver's seat. His girlfriend is chained under the car with barbed wire. His friend is tied in front of the car, and another friend is also in a trap behind the vehicle, with a tube tucked in his mouth. A tape plays and says that the driver has judged people by the color of their skin and now he is going to learn that everyone is the same color on the inside. He has thirty seconds to rip himself from the seat so that he can pull a lever outside the broken windscreen. Otherwise, the car is going to fall off the jacks, crushing his girlfriend, causing a chain reaction which will kill him and the others. He tries to reach and gets close, reaping off his skin from the seats but ultimately is unsuccessful. The car falls on the girlfriend, moving wheels smashed her head, then goes forward and rips up the the one friend that has a tube in his mouth and then runs over the one in front, the car crashes and the driver is thrown through the window, bearing his bloody flesh of his back...

Oh man! Tension, thrilling, bloody, screamings, gruesome, fear, sicko people, helpless victim, etc... Really can't stomach it anymore... I switched off the movie and I praised myself for surviving 20 minutes of the show...

Really don't like the tension and feeling of something bad and unpleasant happening to human beings, especially the excruciating pain, fear and death that it is going to happen. Be warned! This sicko movie is not suitable for ordinary people, else you will have nightmares... lol...

Well, hope that there isn't any such psychotic people in this world that bring fear and pain to other people. Let's stay in a harmonious and peaceful world and live a happy lifestyle, everyone!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Colonoscopy Wait

My mum recently complained of diarrhea and gastric pain. After accompany her to the GP for checkup, the doctor referred her to see a specialist to check her colon on safe side.

My poor mum, being the "always worrying" type, was very worried of the procedure and told me that she was alright those few days and if possible, she did not want to go thru the colonoscopy. However, at Changi General Hospital (CGH), she admitted to me that she still feel some gastric pain and had diarrhea that morning. To be sure of no growth or cancerous cell, the specialist then recommended her to undergo colonoscopy (a means of visualising and examining the full lining of the colon and rectum using a long flexible tube-like instrument) and at the same time do the check on the stomach for gastric pain problem (using similar instrument inserting through the throat to examine the stomach). Scary.....

I was relieved to hear that the procedure will be done under sedation, last for less than half an hour and I reassured my mum. She agreed with still a worried face and "phew", thankfully, the procedure will be done the very next day afternoon at 1.30 pm. Or else, the waiting will be antagonizing to her.

To examine the colon thoroughly during the colonoscopy, she has to drink 3 litres of "awful tasting" Colonic Lavage Powder solution over 3 hours to totally get rid of stool inside the colon that evening. Furthermore, she has to fast from that evening to the next day till the examination is over.

Poor mum, all this while, if she gets hungry, she will shiver and have cold sweat. She will get bloated whenever she drinks too much water... I don't want her to go through these... Why does she have to go through this? I cried myself to sleep that evening....

Bravo! My mum drank the 3 litres of solution over 5 hours and purged out all stool by the morning. At 1.30 pm, we checked into CGH endoscopy centre and the friendly nurses prepared her everything ready to be pushed in to the "theatre". We waited eagerly and patiently in the ward bed for the doctor to arrive but to our dismay, the nurse informed us that the doctor has been recalled for an emergency case and we need to wait for another 2 hours! WTF!

I hate waiting but no choice, we got to wait. You know, to wait for something not very pleasant is a terrible feeling. And to reduce my mum's antagonizing wait, I keep chatting with her so that she will not think too much...Time past and the other patient on the other bed checked in later than us but underwent the colonoscopy through another doctor was already back in the ward again. That was another terrible "blow" to my mum as she should also have been done so and back too!

It was quite a long wait and finally, the nurse came in around 3.30 pm and brought her away. It was a relieved that it was finally her turn but at the same time, I know she must also be feeling extremely terrified now because it is the TIME now!

Half an hour past and she is out. The doctor spoke to me and was glad to hear that no adverse results shown. There was no polyps or cancerous cell detected except that "holes" were found in the colon which the doctor assured me that they are common in elderly. As for her stomach, only gastric inflammation found where some medication should be able to control that.

I feel that our life and health are very vulnerable. People die and some for no reason... People suddenly get sick, also for not obvious reasons... Is it because of what we eat, do and everyday lifestyle we have that may have effects in our body system? I am not sure... I hope that someone can invent a magic health pill that can prevent people from all kind of sickness. I wish that all human beings are all healthy so that they can be spared to go through all the long wait for those prolonged medical procedures, continual medications, endless examinations and terrified operations, etc, etc because of their illness...

Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, January 7, 2011

Primary School Friends

Who still have primary friends in contacts now??? That's sweet if you are still contacting them... Sad thing for me is that I have no contacts with them anymore and do not remember most of the names and faces anymore.

However, two days ago, I met a primary school friend outside a clinic when I brought my mum to see the doctor. I can still recognized her and even remember her name, although she could not recall mine. Oh man! We calculated and recalled that we have not seen each other for almost 24 years since P6!!!!

It was a happy moment for me and to think about it, we are still able to meet up after so long. I find it very memorable when we chat about what we did when we were so young then... hope i can meet more of such "old" friends and get all of them to gather and catch up one day...

Anyway, as for now, I will cherish all the friendship that I now have... I want to remember the times that I spent together with friends in adulthood, during my worklife and in the journey of my life. It will be good to have friends when we grow old....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Savers Or Hoarders

My 3rd sister-in-law is a handicapped since birth. She has to use clutches at home and wheelchair for mobility when she is out. Tell you, she likes going out, wheeling around in her wheelchair, taking bus and MRT to her church, shopping, mostly by herself and sometimes with her church friends. Fortunately, we are in Singapore where now most of the footpaths and public transports are handicapped-free!

About a month ago, my husband decided to ask his handicapped sister to move in our house so that she can rent out her whole 4-room flat for better rental income for herself. With another mentally retarded sister currently staying with us, our domestic helper can look after both of them at the same time.

That means, I have to give up our master bedroom for her 2 sisters and the maid because of the convenience to use the master bathroom... That means, I have to give up my current lifestyle and way of living after 13 years of marriage in this house. Thinking of the situation and for the benefits of everyone in the family, I have to agree on that.

Persuading her to move in with us was also not an easy task as that means she has to give up her lifestyle too! We finally persuaded her after some "forcing" and hard tactics and she agreed to move in before June 11 because she got to do a lot of packing...

Look at her living room and bedroom...

Her Bedroom

Her Living Room
She is not working now but did some sewing and handicraft works during her pastime and most of her income is from collecting rental from her 2 other rooms. Well, after several weeks passed, she still has not succeeded to "pack" her things... So, I go over to help, hopefully to throw most of her things away!

She is clearly a hoarder! Yesterday, I started with her living room ONLY. She has 7 sewing machines, bags and bags of unused cloths that she wants to sew, numerous threads and unfinished handicraft books and materials. She kept lots of plastic bags, uncountable bags, containers, boxes, exercise books, outdated diaries and magazines, cookbooks, etc and simply does not want to throw any of those. She also collected many chairs and tables where people do not want. End up, she packed all the stuff and books in her collection of bags and we threw only about only 1% of the things in the living room... ***Faint***

She really don't know how to classify her various things and she also simply refused to throw. (Guessed she may have sentimental value to all her things or because she has the habit to "SAVE"???.) I told her umpteen times that she will not be able to finish reading all the books or use up those things that she had now. Those stuff that she kept for years were not even opened / touched until now, let alone be using in the coming years. I have to keep "ranting" at her to organise, to throw this and that.  However, she threw some away quite reluctantly with "pain" on her face and most of the times, she will say that she will give those to her friends, etc. (Not sure those things that she want to give her friends will be staying in her house for how long?)

Now, I am starting to worry that my agreement to let her move in with me is a bad decision. If the rate of throwing is still as such, and wants to move all her things to my little flat, I will become a "forced" hoarder! I can't imagine how my nice cosy home will be like....