
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sicko Movie - Saw 3D!

I watched the first moive, Saw, a few years back and knew that this movie was a show meant for sicko people because of the elaborate planning and psychotic killing scenes.

Since then, I did not watch any of the 5 other Saw movies simply because I seldom go cinemas to watch movies; my husband will be too scared to watch these kind of gruesome movies; and I will not want to allow my daughter to watch for fear of affecting her young mind....

I have installed on my laptop and I can conveniently watch available movies online anytime I like. There was this much-talk-about Saw 3D movie (the 7th sequel of Saw movie) and so I just click to watch. Before I decided to watch, I did prepare myself that this is a bloody gory movie, the scenes are scare tactics that are not real...

Hmmm... damn it! I don't know if it was a mistake to watch this movie... The script writer and the director are damn imaginative and know how to manipulate people minds with these psychotic decisions and the killing scenes are so real...

The movie opens with a glass cage. Two men who apparently know each other wake up chained to either end of a table saw. The puppet "Billy" rides in on a trike and says they each have to decide whether the other guy will die, so that the girl that has been dating both guys, suddenly revealed to be suspended above them, will live, or choose to live and let the girl die. The girl tells one man she loves him and the jilted man starts winning. Then she tells the one who is about to die that she loves him and he starts winning. Then they agree to let her die and she is sawed in half, spewing blood out of her mouth and intestines on the floor...

Errm... wanted to stop watching the movie because it was a terrible sad thing to watch people decide who should die and to die so horribly... But I told myself to have guts to stay on and finish off the movie. So here's another scene...

Some white supremacists are at an abandoned junk yard. The driver is super-glued to the driver's seat. His girlfriend is chained under the car with barbed wire. His friend is tied in front of the car, and another friend is also in a trap behind the vehicle, with a tube tucked in his mouth. A tape plays and says that the driver has judged people by the color of their skin and now he is going to learn that everyone is the same color on the inside. He has thirty seconds to rip himself from the seat so that he can pull a lever outside the broken windscreen. Otherwise, the car is going to fall off the jacks, crushing his girlfriend, causing a chain reaction which will kill him and the others. He tries to reach and gets close, reaping off his skin from the seats but ultimately is unsuccessful. The car falls on the girlfriend, moving wheels smashed her head, then goes forward and rips up the the one friend that has a tube in his mouth and then runs over the one in front, the car crashes and the driver is thrown through the window, bearing his bloody flesh of his back...

Oh man! Tension, thrilling, bloody, screamings, gruesome, fear, sicko people, helpless victim, etc... Really can't stomach it anymore... I switched off the movie and I praised myself for surviving 20 minutes of the show...

Really don't like the tension and feeling of something bad and unpleasant happening to human beings, especially the excruciating pain, fear and death that it is going to happen. Be warned! This sicko movie is not suitable for ordinary people, else you will have nightmares... lol...

Well, hope that there isn't any such psychotic people in this world that bring fear and pain to other people. Let's stay in a harmonious and peaceful world and live a happy lifestyle, everyone!

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