
Friday, January 7, 2011

Primary School Friends

Who still have primary friends in contacts now??? That's sweet if you are still contacting them... Sad thing for me is that I have no contacts with them anymore and do not remember most of the names and faces anymore.

However, two days ago, I met a primary school friend outside a clinic when I brought my mum to see the doctor. I can still recognized her and even remember her name, although she could not recall mine. Oh man! We calculated and recalled that we have not seen each other for almost 24 years since P6!!!!

It was a happy moment for me and to think about it, we are still able to meet up after so long. I find it very memorable when we chat about what we did when we were so young then... hope i can meet more of such "old" friends and get all of them to gather and catch up one day...

Anyway, as for now, I will cherish all the friendship that I now have... I want to remember the times that I spent together with friends in adulthood, during my worklife and in the journey of my life. It will be good to have friends when we grow old....

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