
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back to Work Life?

I have not been working since end of Mar 10 and was doing internet marketing all this while. Sad to say that I achieved nothing in IM and even spent a bit of money for some useless IM courses.

I had thought of carrying on without working, spent my savings away and then depend on my husband to "feed" me. However, thinking rationally, this is not going to last forever. Then, I thought of finding an easy, without stress job, just enough to live and survive... And, I set a dateline to start finding a job early this year.

In early Jan 11, several weeks ago, I received a phone call from a "friend", who was the client's representative when I was a consultant PMgr. He told me that his Architect consultant was looking for a PMgr to replace his quiting PMgr for a job site and he highly recommended me to return to PMgr world.

Was it Law of Attraction? Just when I wanted to go back to work life and here comes the opportunity. well, I had mixed feelings as I was quite reluctant to work back that kind of stressful PMgr role but then, I need a job to feel rich again (because I was spending my savings and been living very frugally for the past year.) Moreover, I am going to face that fussy "friend" as he will be the client's rep again for that job site. Anyway and finally, I agreed to let the Architect consultant to call me for an offer.

Two weeks passed and no one rang me. Just when I almost gave up hope, the director of the consultant company called me and invited me for an interview on 25 Jan 11. Yeepee...!

The interview went well. I do have a feeling that he will employ me as I do have the very relevant experience to oversee the lift upgrading project and additionally, I had high recommendations from the client's rep, aka "friend". I actually do not know what is the current market rate for PMgr but surely I knew that I was grossly underpaid in my previous sucking company. I asked for a much higher pay than my previous although I still got a feeling that I may have asked too less. Well, $5K a month is still much higher than what I got previously although some terms and conditions are different, such as 5.5 days week and 14 days annual leaves compared to my previous 5 days week and 21 days annual leaves... Unless the company thinks that I am too expensive to employ, I should stand a much better chance than the other interviewees.

Good news! The director called me today and offered me the job! Hooray!!! Bad news? I need to seriously consider if I am really ready to embark my "rough" ride in work life again. Sigh...

I will brave up and take up the job! Being unemployed did make me feel some sort of "socially deserted" and "embarrassed" at times because I am not that rich but people think that I am very rich to be able to afford such a "tai tai" lifestyle. I also avoided going out with my ex-colleagues and friends so that I will not incurred extra expenses and also to avoid them asking too much of my current lifestyle. However, I am extremely satisfied and happy to be so carefree and stress-free staying at home to work on my IM business!

Ok,  I told myself that when I am back to work life, I will be a better leader and approach things / problems in a more matured and decisive ways. I find that I can look back of the ways that I dealt of problems previously and hopefully, I can handle in a much better way so that I can be less stressful.

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