
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Back To Work!!!

YES! I accepted the job and started working since 15 Feb 11.

The "quiting" PMgr Chong's last day was 28 Feb 11 and he continued to handle the existing work scope and I was just getting used to take over him totally on 1 Mar 11.

Most of the matters regarding the work were quite familiar to me but now, I have to do some admin work manually because my previous company has a robust system and program to submit electronically.... Ha! Now, it's peanuts! Now, I only have 1 project and 4 precincts, compared to previously, I have 3 running project and 11 precincts plus a couple of DLP HUP projects to handle!!!!

I was told by my new company director that PMgr Chong quit because he and the cttr's PMgr did not get along well. Well, I can "see" the "tension" between them during my first week. Actually, the cttr's Pmgr did have the "arrogant" face and attitude and the cttr's style of denying the work that did not specify clearly in the specifications. However, I think that this is quite typical of cttr... From what I see, Pmgr Chong was quite a "by the book" man, probably he was new to LUP project (1 yr) and dislike the attitude of the cttr. He got very "sore" whenever he did not get his way and now, if chances arises, he would want to fight and nail the cttr down. I find that it was Chong's attitude and way of "demanding" talking to cttr that make cttr's side not corporating with him.

Anyway, now that I took over, I just want to get the work done safely, timely and amicably and reasonably. No point "shooting" people down and make life miserable to myself or others. I hope I will carry out my work smoothly and happily.

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