
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cake!


Guess what is this black round thing?


It is a cake!


It is a chocolate banana cake!


Simply love this plain looking... nothing special... but superb yummy chocolate banana cake! I like it that the chocolate was not too sweet for me and you see the yellow thing in between? That was 2 layers of real banana! Awesome is the word I can describe.

My hubby bought this from Secret Recipe in Johor, Malaysia during his return work trip. Pisst... tell you something... it is much much cheaper than buying in Singapore outlet.

As my hubby's birthday was around the corner, we also took that opportunity to use the cake to celebrate his birthday. We normally don't have the habit to buy cakes for birthday celebration, so this is quite a memorable one to celebrate and to have a nice cake to enjoy.

Cakes are not something I fancy because of the creamy cream that is in there and the sweet high calorie ingredients that I want to avoid. However, this is the best cake that I ever tasted so far and will definitely try it again.

Sometimes, indulge in something "sinful" and delicious and enjoy this kind of lifestyle once a while...
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