
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive - No Fear

Last weekend, I attended T. Harv Eker's "Millionaire Mind Intensive" (MMI) 3 full days seminar, with my husband, Mike, at Singapore Expo. I must say that this is the best seminar that I ever attended so far as I have gained many valuable insights and profound realization about life and money.

One of my favorite session was the "The Power of Action". I realized that many at times, we do experience some kind of FEAR before doing something, e.g., fear of not able to complete a task, fear of people laughing at you if you can't do the task well, fear of the consequences if you did the task, etc, etc. This fear, sometimes stopped us from taking action.

While T. Harv Eker was explaining on this theory, he told the audience that we can break an arrow with the sternal notch of our throat (the part between the throat and the collarbone) and we are going to do that on that day! WHAT!!! He went on explaining and demonstrating in details the steps on how to break the arrow and even made us signed an indemnity form. He even scorned at us if we are not going to break the arrow with our throat. Then, with the help of his trainer restraining on the other end of the arrow, he broke the arrow with his throat on stage in front of everybody's eyes!!!

In my mind, I keep thinking that he must have some kind of training to do that... He was just trying to test our reaction if we are going to do it... He just wanted us to experience and overcome our fear that we are going through this "impossible" mission... He surely wouldn't risk our lives or allowing anyone to get hurt by asking us to perform such "dangerous" activities....Not in Singapore...???

Soon, we, about 5000 of attendees, were told to get into groups of 10. There are staff ready to distribute the arrows and goggles to protect the splint of the broken arrows from injuring our eyes. (...Wow... this simulation is very real... When is he going to say STOP?...) A leader was chosen from each group to collect the protective gears and arrows and each person got one set. (...Still not going to end the scaring tactics?...) We have to write down any fears or challenges that we have onto the arrow sticks and discussed with our partners. (...Serious?...)

Then, Harv gave the go ahead to start!!! WHAT!!! It's real and action time!!! We have to break the arrow with our throat!!!

Everyone got to do it anyway and no "chicken out" now. Mike, seeing no one taking action, volunteered to go first. (I secretly hope that he will not hurt himself or myself as we have our daughter Zoey waiting for us at home...) In just a couple of seconds, Mike adjusted the arrow head (of course the arrow head was not that piercing sharp type) with the other guy restraining the end of the arrow, gave a little push, the arrow bended and broke with a "thwack". Amazing! It was possible and done with little effort! We all cheered happily and so did other groups around us. I was eager to break the arrow too because I knew that I can do it too. My turn came and guess what? I broke the arrow too. Shiok feeling although my throat did hurt a little but it was a great feeling that I had snap the arrow in spite of fear that I couldn't do it.

That was a valuable lesson where I learned that "fear" is just an anticipation of pain or failure. Our mind is always scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. We are constantly thinking of "what if" and anticipating the pain that might come.

I am glad that I attended this MMI and participated in this challenge. It makes me realized that we have to change our limiting beliefs and fears, the need to be aware of our powerful and resourceful emotional states within ourselves, so that we can be prepared for all the possible challenges that we will face throughout our life.

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