
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Social Networking Sites are So Popular?

Do you use the internet on a regular basis?  If you do, you may know and/or already have accounts in websites such as, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Friendfeed, etc. so, what is common in them? They are social networking websites! They have, over the past few years, increased tremendously in popularity and are attracting in millions of internet users! Only recently, Facebook announced that it has passed the 500 million member mark!

I have joined several of these social networking websites and am enjoying the lifestyle of using the internet to communicate and socializing with people.  I have also been observing this phenomenon of  these websites gaining popularity and would like to share the reasons for the popularity:-
  • Great variety and different social networking websites available in the internet. You just need to perform a google search and you can get a whole list conveniently;
  • Most of these websites are free to use and very easy to sign up. Basically, an email account and some basic information such as your name and password will do;
  • Websites are easy to use and navigate and you need only minimum knowledge of internet;
  • Allows you to connect with friends and relatives online. You can also make new friends easily by just adding and requesting them to be your friends;
  • Many websites come with different formats or different specialties. While many are for social networking purpose and micro-blogging, some even allow you to create free webpage or free blogs such as Shoutem, Vox, Posterous, etc. Other examples such as LinkedIn allows you to network with professionals in your industry and others and it is a good way to get to know people with similar business interests.
  • Ability to put advertisement and market affiliate or own products. You can take the opportunity of such a vast community by monetizing and making money online while still enjoy  your social networking with friends.
Social networking is changing how people communicate with friends, family, businesses and everyone else online. It is becoming a revolution on the way people are making money online. If you have never know what is social networking before, go and register a Facebook account to start with now and enjoy your social lifestyle!
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GoodBye, My Handsome!

Today is a sad day for me and my handsome. We have been together for 6 years and today we have to part our ways. It is always the case that when you are spending less and less time with each other, you will feel that you do not need him so much anymore...

I do get sentimental especially the thing or person has been with me for a period of time and we had developed a strong feelings with each other. For my handsome, he was such a darling and always there for me when I needed him...

Okay, okay, my handsome is my Chevrolet 1.6A Optra sedan car which I sold away today. I sold off my handsome because I had quit my job and was not using him as often as before. *sob sob*

Recalling our happy moments together... I drove him almost everywhere I go and he had never had any mishap or accidents before. (Or should I say it was my good driving skill? *smile*) Well, the only major incident was about 2 years ago, his battery went totally flat and I couldn't revive him at all. He scared the shit out of me then, and I had to call the mechanic ambulance to rescue him! Luckily, after an operation, he was fit as a bull again.

From the day I decided to own a car, I already know that the car value will depreciate daily and the monthly expenses required for financing car loan, ever rising car petrol price, carparking fees, road taxes, insurances and maintenance, etc. However, because I wanted that kind of lifestyle and the convenience of a car when I was able to afford it, that's why I bought the car.
Now that the situation is different, I had to forgo that kind of luxury and to change to a car-free lifestyle. It took me awhile to make the hard decision to sell and I finally persuaded myself based on rational and wise reasons. Of course, first main reason is that I can slash away all the monthly expenses incurred for owning a car and the money saved can be used for other better purpose, thus reducing my financial burden. Moreover, the public transportation such as MRT trains, buses and taxi is so accessible. I did a quick calculation... If I were to take taxi (the more expensive means of transport) everywhere I go, my overall total transportation cost will still be cheaper compared to owning a car!

*Sigh*... now the fact the my handsome is gone forever, life still has to go on and I believe I will get used to life with him. I will still miss my handsome dearly with only fond memories to keep. Hope that he can find a good owner that will take care of him just as I do.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bowling Fun

Still remember what is a baby split? Turkey? Brooklyn? Spare? Strike? These are the terms used in a bowling game...

Bowling is a popular pastime for Americans of ...

Bowling is one of my favorite sports game and I used to frequent the bowling alley once a week, 5 continuous games per visit... Wa, bowled until my arm and fingers ached... I also have my 11-pound personal bowling ball, shoes and bag.

This is my personal bowling ball

I tried to learn how to throw / hook my ball with a curving effect to look cool... (Doesn't it look cool if your ball can curve, hit the pocket and strike?) Well, unless it is the condition of the lane, else, I always can't get that effect...*shy shy* So what I do is just have to concentrate to release my ball at the right position and make it straight, hit as many pins as possible... Just don't wash the "long kao" (gutter ball) can already... Hahaha...

As I frequent the bowling alley, I always see a lot of bad habits and irritable actions of other bowlers. I share with you some of the basic etiquette and rules that are common sense, that express courtesy and good sportsmanship so that you can be aware of, next time you go bowling.

1) Right of Way
When two bowlers are on adjacent lanes, and simultaneously ready to bowl, the bowler on the right delivers first. Example, if the other person is on your right, you let him go first. Conversely, if you're on somebody else's right, they are to let you roll your shot first. It is so very distracting walking up to roll your shot and suddenly somebody comes up their lane from your right or left.

2) Wear Bowling Shoes When Bowling
By not wearing bowling shoes, you can leave marks on the approach, making bowlers more susceptible to falling down. Also, non-bowling shoes can squeak. These cause distractions. 

3) Don't take a practice swing with your bowling ball on the concourse or behind the approach.
Not only is this distracting to those bowling, you can hurt someone. Wait until you are upon the approach itself before doing any practice exercises.

4) Get ready when it's your turn to bowl.
It takes away the fun when it's your / someone's turn and you / he cannot be found.

Saratoga Lanes ball return
5) Do bowl immediately when it is your turn.
Once you have your ball, assume your stance and start your delivery. I saw bowlers hesitating to roll, pulling back when about to throw, keep adjusting their position and stance, even dropped the whole bowling ball onto the floor! These cause delay and irritations.

6) Don't interrupt bowlers. 
Talking to the person who is about to bowl will distract him. Let him concentrate to bowl well.

Found one interesting video to share. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Best Bak Kut Teh in JB?

One of our family's favorite food is Bak Kut Teh! We heard from friends that somewhere in Malaysia Kota Tinggi has the best Bak Kut Teh! So, we drove in early in the morning at about 9 am.

You can hardly missed the place as you can see a big yellow signboard showing “Kiang Kee” Bak Kut Tea (肉骨茶). Like an attap hut, it is quite easy to be located on the roadside and there is an open space beside to park your car.

What we ordered..?
 Dark Braised Pig Trotters
More of "Tao Pok", pig's stomach and intestine and braised veg
And of course, the famous Bak Kut Teh!

While waiting for the food to arrive, I inspected their kitchen...
 and... hey, this full of flavour BKT with herbal soup and yummy pork ribs is cooked in charcoal stove!

Verdict? This BKT is more of a herbal taste, darker colour soup and tasty with generous amount of pork ribs. As I always say, different people have different taste and liking. well, some people really like more herbal taste. But, for me, I find it not too bad although I like it more pepperish and clearer soup type. It is still worth going all the way there for a try as you can get a different eating experience and environment there!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Art Of Wine Tasting

Life most enjoyable thing is to have friends and family gather together regularly, chit chat, have fun, eat some good food and drink some wine. I love to drink wine, red or white, but I am not one who is so rich to buy expensive bottles of wine to keep. I only buy good bottles of wine to my liking, with prices ranging from $20 - $50.

There are so many brands and types of wine available. I am not a professional wine taster and do not know much on how to appreciate a good quality wine. Like what I always say, different people have different liking... I just love to drink wine that is smooth, easy to drink and good after taste.

Drinking wine is an art to drink wine? I know little but you can follow the following guides and you can drink and taste wine like a pro soon.

The first thing to do with wine is to look.  You should always start by pouring the wine into a clear glass, then taking a few minutes to look at the color.  As far as the color goes, white whines aren't white, but actually yellow, green, or brown.  Red wines, on the other hand, are normally a pale red or dark brown color.  Red wine gets better with age, while white wines get more stale with age.

Next, is the smell of the wine. To get a good impression of your wine's aroma, swirl your glass for a solid 10-12 seconds (this helps vaporize some of the wine's alcohol and release more of its natural aromas) and then take a quick whiff to gain a first impression. You should start with a brief smell to get a general idea of the wine, then take a deep, long smell.  This deeper smell should allow you take the flavor of the wine in. Do you smell oak, berry, flowers, vanilla or citrus? A wine's aroma is an excellent indicator of its quality and unique characteristics.

Finally, taste the wine.  Start with a small sip and let it roll around your mouth. To get the proper taste from wine, however, you need to swish it around in your mouth and allow your taste buds and sense of smell to bring out the unique and fine flavors in the wine. After swallowing, you will be able to distinguish the after taste of the wine, and the overall flavor.

The art of wine tasting is indeed an art.  Wine tasters do however, follow some general guidelines and rules that judge how great a wine is.  These techniques can help you bring the most out of your wine, providing you follow them and know how to bring out the taste.

Once you have looked at the wine, smelled it, and finally tasted it, you will be able to evaluate the wine from a taster's standpoint.  This is the easiest way to determine the quality of the wine, and whether or not it has been properly stored and aged.  As with all things in life - the more you taste wine - the better you will get at distinguishing the unique flavors. Read more in How To Taste Wines if you are interested.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Power of Mastermind Group!

My lifestyle that I used have is to do things on my own and not asking people's opinion. I believed then that I can do the things myself without anyone's help. I also kept my mouth shut when friends were sharing their problems or stories as I opined that I could not decide for them for I fear of offering wrong advice. They have to make choices themselves, right? Was I an introvert or a selfish person? Not sure...

2 months ago, I joined an internet marketing program (Twalk). I used to switch on the computer only to surf the internet and read emails and I know little of internet marketing. There was so much to learn and I was having a hard time. Fortunately, I joined a like-minded group and we formed a Mastermind group, whom we share common goals on achieving success and earning tonnes of money in this program. It was truly amazing and I must say that I am able to achieve more in less time. Although our group, till now has met only thrice, we did a lot of sharing and and I felt that I had accelerated my learning through all the encouragement and motivation gained in the group.

We are also very fortunate to have a great mentor directing us and "driving" us to work. A book recommended by him, which all of the group members find it very beneficial in our desire to get rich and personal development. is Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. The writer had explained the Master Mind principle as, “when a group of individual brains is coordinated and functions in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual brain in the group.” As the saying goes two heads are better then one, I totally agreed on this and our mastermind group is meeting for the purpose of problem solving, networking, support and encouraging and motivating each other!
Being a part of a Mastermind group has changed some of my lifestyle and the way I look at things. It is an enriching experience to me and the power of mastermind group has also allowed me to move past my limiting beliefs. I don't need to be a lone ranger and I don't have to figure things out on your own and I am not that introvert or selfish anymore...
I urge you to also start or join one in order to Mastermind Your Way to Success!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Beautiful Cool Bracelet

Not sure what to buy for your loved ones for birthdays or any worth celebrating?

Ha! I found out a selection of cool looking silver cuff bracelet that may be just perfect as a gift or maybe one for yourself.

It also teaches you the different styles to wear on your arm too. Go see for yourself. I'm going to get one too!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Make Your Own Decision!

Today, I am writing some serious stuff... which is, our life's choices and the decisions that we make.

I felt that life is like a road. Roads can be long and short; smooth and rocky; crooked and straight, etc. As we walk through our life, many roads would come in our way. There are roads that lead to marriage or single life; roads to fame or isolation; roads to wealth or poverty; roads to happiness or sadness; roads towards victory or defeat, etc.

We may need to detour or slow down while walking and then somehow, somewhere we will come to crossroads where we need to make decisions on which way to go. We will be in a situation that you need to go forward as we cannot stay at the same position forever. We will face dilemma as there are no certainty that the direction we choose is the right one, right? My own examples were when I was choosing which polytechnic to go and what faculty to take, when deciding whether my then boyfriend (now husband) can be my life partner in marriage or when I was pondering whether to switch jobs.

One important things I realized about life, i.e, nobody guarantees happiness or eternity. There are too many possible consequences and we are unable to control.

No matter what, we have to decide. What I do is to gather more information, list down the pros and cons of my options, weigh the consequences, then trust myself to make a decision. You would never know that our decision would be wrong until we have made it, Who knows, our wrong decision may become a blessing in disguise and it becomes another opportunity to us!

Once we have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But I do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, I learn from it and remember I always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.