
Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Make Your Own Decision!

Today, I am writing some serious stuff... which is, our life's choices and the decisions that we make.

I felt that life is like a road. Roads can be long and short; smooth and rocky; crooked and straight, etc. As we walk through our life, many roads would come in our way. There are roads that lead to marriage or single life; roads to fame or isolation; roads to wealth or poverty; roads to happiness or sadness; roads towards victory or defeat, etc.

We may need to detour or slow down while walking and then somehow, somewhere we will come to crossroads where we need to make decisions on which way to go. We will be in a situation that you need to go forward as we cannot stay at the same position forever. We will face dilemma as there are no certainty that the direction we choose is the right one, right? My own examples were when I was choosing which polytechnic to go and what faculty to take, when deciding whether my then boyfriend (now husband) can be my life partner in marriage or when I was pondering whether to switch jobs.

One important things I realized about life, i.e, nobody guarantees happiness or eternity. There are too many possible consequences and we are unable to control.

No matter what, we have to decide. What I do is to gather more information, list down the pros and cons of my options, weigh the consequences, then trust myself to make a decision. You would never know that our decision would be wrong until we have made it, Who knows, our wrong decision may become a blessing in disguise and it becomes another opportunity to us!

Once we have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But I do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, I learn from it and remember I always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.

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