
Monday, July 19, 2010

The Art Of Wine Tasting

Life most enjoyable thing is to have friends and family gather together regularly, chit chat, have fun, eat some good food and drink some wine. I love to drink wine, red or white, but I am not one who is so rich to buy expensive bottles of wine to keep. I only buy good bottles of wine to my liking, with prices ranging from $20 - $50.

There are so many brands and types of wine available. I am not a professional wine taster and do not know much on how to appreciate a good quality wine. Like what I always say, different people have different liking... I just love to drink wine that is smooth, easy to drink and good after taste.

Drinking wine is an art to drink wine? I know little but you can follow the following guides and you can drink and taste wine like a pro soon.

The first thing to do with wine is to look.  You should always start by pouring the wine into a clear glass, then taking a few minutes to look at the color.  As far as the color goes, white whines aren't white, but actually yellow, green, or brown.  Red wines, on the other hand, are normally a pale red or dark brown color.  Red wine gets better with age, while white wines get more stale with age.

Next, is the smell of the wine. To get a good impression of your wine's aroma, swirl your glass for a solid 10-12 seconds (this helps vaporize some of the wine's alcohol and release more of its natural aromas) and then take a quick whiff to gain a first impression. You should start with a brief smell to get a general idea of the wine, then take a deep, long smell.  This deeper smell should allow you take the flavor of the wine in. Do you smell oak, berry, flowers, vanilla or citrus? A wine's aroma is an excellent indicator of its quality and unique characteristics.

Finally, taste the wine.  Start with a small sip and let it roll around your mouth. To get the proper taste from wine, however, you need to swish it around in your mouth and allow your taste buds and sense of smell to bring out the unique and fine flavors in the wine. After swallowing, you will be able to distinguish the after taste of the wine, and the overall flavor.

The art of wine tasting is indeed an art.  Wine tasters do however, follow some general guidelines and rules that judge how great a wine is.  These techniques can help you bring the most out of your wine, providing you follow them and know how to bring out the taste.

Once you have looked at the wine, smelled it, and finally tasted it, you will be able to evaluate the wine from a taster's standpoint.  This is the easiest way to determine the quality of the wine, and whether or not it has been properly stored and aged.  As with all things in life - the more you taste wine - the better you will get at distinguishing the unique flavors. Read more in How To Taste Wines if you are interested.

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