
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Power of Mastermind Group!

My lifestyle that I used have is to do things on my own and not asking people's opinion. I believed then that I can do the things myself without anyone's help. I also kept my mouth shut when friends were sharing their problems or stories as I opined that I could not decide for them for I fear of offering wrong advice. They have to make choices themselves, right? Was I an introvert or a selfish person? Not sure...

2 months ago, I joined an internet marketing program (Twalk). I used to switch on the computer only to surf the internet and read emails and I know little of internet marketing. There was so much to learn and I was having a hard time. Fortunately, I joined a like-minded group and we formed a Mastermind group, whom we share common goals on achieving success and earning tonnes of money in this program. It was truly amazing and I must say that I am able to achieve more in less time. Although our group, till now has met only thrice, we did a lot of sharing and and I felt that I had accelerated my learning through all the encouragement and motivation gained in the group.

We are also very fortunate to have a great mentor directing us and "driving" us to work. A book recommended by him, which all of the group members find it very beneficial in our desire to get rich and personal development. is Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. The writer had explained the Master Mind principle as, “when a group of individual brains is coordinated and functions in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual brain in the group.” As the saying goes two heads are better then one, I totally agreed on this and our mastermind group is meeting for the purpose of problem solving, networking, support and encouraging and motivating each other!
Being a part of a Mastermind group has changed some of my lifestyle and the way I look at things. It is an enriching experience to me and the power of mastermind group has also allowed me to move past my limiting beliefs. I don't need to be a lone ranger and I don't have to figure things out on your own and I am not that introvert or selfish anymore...
I urge you to also start or join one in order to Mastermind Your Way to Success!

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