
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bowling Fun

Still remember what is a baby split? Turkey? Brooklyn? Spare? Strike? These are the terms used in a bowling game...

Bowling is a popular pastime for Americans of ...

Bowling is one of my favorite sports game and I used to frequent the bowling alley once a week, 5 continuous games per visit... Wa, bowled until my arm and fingers ached... I also have my 11-pound personal bowling ball, shoes and bag.

This is my personal bowling ball

I tried to learn how to throw / hook my ball with a curving effect to look cool... (Doesn't it look cool if your ball can curve, hit the pocket and strike?) Well, unless it is the condition of the lane, else, I always can't get that effect...*shy shy* So what I do is just have to concentrate to release my ball at the right position and make it straight, hit as many pins as possible... Just don't wash the "long kao" (gutter ball) can already... Hahaha...

As I frequent the bowling alley, I always see a lot of bad habits and irritable actions of other bowlers. I share with you some of the basic etiquette and rules that are common sense, that express courtesy and good sportsmanship so that you can be aware of, next time you go bowling.

1) Right of Way
When two bowlers are on adjacent lanes, and simultaneously ready to bowl, the bowler on the right delivers first. Example, if the other person is on your right, you let him go first. Conversely, if you're on somebody else's right, they are to let you roll your shot first. It is so very distracting walking up to roll your shot and suddenly somebody comes up their lane from your right or left.

2) Wear Bowling Shoes When Bowling
By not wearing bowling shoes, you can leave marks on the approach, making bowlers more susceptible to falling down. Also, non-bowling shoes can squeak. These cause distractions. 

3) Don't take a practice swing with your bowling ball on the concourse or behind the approach.
Not only is this distracting to those bowling, you can hurt someone. Wait until you are upon the approach itself before doing any practice exercises.

4) Get ready when it's your turn to bowl.
It takes away the fun when it's your / someone's turn and you / he cannot be found.

Saratoga Lanes ball return
5) Do bowl immediately when it is your turn.
Once you have your ball, assume your stance and start your delivery. I saw bowlers hesitating to roll, pulling back when about to throw, keep adjusting their position and stance, even dropped the whole bowling ball onto the floor! These cause delay and irritations.

6) Don't interrupt bowlers. 
Talking to the person who is about to bowl will distract him. Let him concentrate to bowl well.

Found one interesting video to share. Enjoy!

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