
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why I Need to Work?

Thought that I can be a "tai tai" and no need to work...

Although our 5 room HDB flat has already been fully paid, we still need to pay for our studio apartment at One North Residence. That house was bought mainly for investment and we were lucky that we bought it in 2008... Lucky in the sense that the private housing prices is rocketing and govt implenting cooling measures, etc, etc that are affecting investors..

My husband also bought another one at Montrosa in 2010 under his own name to save insurance cost for mortage if I have a share...) Sigh... was it good or bad to own another house???

Considering having these 2 houses, not possible that I sit at home not working...

How? In order to sustain to pay the 30 year mortgage loan and to have CPF, no choice lor... So, go back to work lor...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cake!


Guess what is this black round thing?


It is a cake!


It is a chocolate banana cake!


Simply love this plain looking... nothing special... but superb yummy chocolate banana cake! I like it that the chocolate was not too sweet for me and you see the yellow thing in between? That was 2 layers of real banana! Awesome is the word I can describe.

My hubby bought this from Secret Recipe in Johor, Malaysia during his return work trip. Pisst... tell you something... it is much much cheaper than buying in Singapore outlet.

As my hubby's birthday was around the corner, we also took that opportunity to use the cake to celebrate his birthday. We normally don't have the habit to buy cakes for birthday celebration, so this is quite a memorable one to celebrate and to have a nice cake to enjoy.

Cakes are not something I fancy because of the creamy cream that is in there and the sweet high calorie ingredients that I want to avoid. However, this is the best cake that I ever tasted so far and will definitely try it again.

Sometimes, indulge in something "sinful" and delicious and enjoy this kind of lifestyle once a while...
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Give or Not to Give

Almost every year, there will be at least 2 charity shows on TV and getting us Singaporean to donate money to the charity organizations to help the poor, handicaps or needies. It used to have more of these types of shows until the infamous NKF scandal happened in 2005 and following of many scandals on charity organizations uncovered in recent years. Because of these, I became resentful of such things and have not been that "charitable" any more.

However, on that day when another Mediacorp charity shows on TV, I wanted to "educate" our Zozo  on being benevolent and unselfish to others. I told her that there are many poor and unfortunate people in this world and we must help and "give" whenever we can. I explained to her that we are living in a comfortable lifestyle where we can eat and walk healthily while others can't even talk normally. The poor are so poor that they do not have enough to eat, unlike her where she can have all the tidbits and sweets everyday.

I know my Zozo is very kind-hearted and she listened quietly. Suddenly, she asked me why we did not buy tissue papers from the poor auntie in the coffeeshop. Zozo mentioned that the 4 packets of tissue paper only cost $1 and we could just donate $1 to her... (Well.. some background... Almost every Sunday, before we go to do our grocery shopping at NTUC supermart, we will take our breakfast at the nearby coffeeshop where Zozo and my hubby likes to eat the dry "ban mian" noodle. There was this middle age plump auntie always "loitering" at the coffeeshop and will always stuff 4 packets of tissue papers to us and ask us if we want to buy for $1. She did this without fail every time she sees us, even though we always tell her we do not want to buy.)

My hubby and me were dumbfounded. Oops, how to answer her? Did we set a bad example for her to be not so generous or not "giving" to people? Yeah, it is just $1 only...

No, she was mistaken... Thinking for a while, I replied her that that auntie is just making a living selling things. I could not buy tissue papers from her every weekend. Similarly, I am not buying things every time or whenever people ask me to buy. Moreover, the auntie is not one that need our donation and I praise her for having the will and effort to sell rather than begging people for money.

This incident make me realize more that whatever we do, act or talk as parent and adult, our child or the young will see and follow. Therefore, it is important that we really need to show good examples to them so that they will be molded to a better person as they walk through life.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy 13th Wedding Anniversary

Me and my hubby has been happily married for 13 years!

No... not candle light dinner... no special present or flowers... no romantic moments like young couples... This is the common trait between me and him... very "chin chai" (easy-going) and not so creative and fanciful when comes to birthday or special occasions like today. Only greetings cards that we give to each other...

Well, he did buy me present once in the blue moon... As for me, not that I don't want to buy gifts for him but just that he got everything needed and I really can't think of what else he want. Therefore, we make it a point that exchanging with each other a greeting card is a must, at least.

This year, as usual, we just decided to go dinner out somewhere and with our daughter, Zozo too (**light bulb**). As both of us love to eat raw oysters, we decided to go for buffet dinner where we can gobble as much food as we want. We settled for a buffet restaurant called "Feast @ East" at Grand Mecure Roxy Hotel and went to eat a day before our anniversary.

The buffet spread was not that fantastic in varieties actually and the food was generally ok to me. As such, I did find that the price we pay was a bit ex for this variety range. Anyway, we have a hearty meal as a family, tried all the food available and stuff ourselves with our beloved oysters, sashimi and dessert.

My lifestyle is very simple. There is no need for celebration for any special occasion. I truly just enjoy quality time spend together as a whole family, treat and love one another well everyday and it will be special everyday.

I love my hubby and my daughter dearly.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Remember When Zozo Was a Toddler...

My daughter Zozo, out of the blues, pulled out an old VCD and played on our "dust collecting" (long time no use) VCD player. It was a 15 minutes clips which I have taken with a camera when she was about 2 years old, playing on the home sofa and I had got my friend "burned" it into a VCD for me many years back.

I was totally engrossed watching that video and fond memories flooded in my mind. I was recollecting my memories when Zozo was so tiny and small. She was so adorable then, and now she is a 9 year old girl! Unbelievable!

I had taken many photos and videos of her since she was born. I selected some to print and stick on photo albums for easy viewing and saved the majority in my PC. Unfortunately, my PC crashed and most of her earlier photos and videos that was taken from newborn to 3 years old, were lost. I hated myself for not knowing the importance of taking backups... Grrr... So now, I hope that those printed photos can last long and don't fade forever....

It is truly a touching moment when you are seeing your children growing up from a cute little tiny creature to now that she is almost catching up my height... I know that time flies and we can't catch back lost time. So, I make it a point that I will treasure every moment and capture all beautiful and fond things in life into videos and photos so that we, as a family can view and recall the happy moments when we are older...

When Zozo was 4 years old!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive - No Fear

Last weekend, I attended T. Harv Eker's "Millionaire Mind Intensive" (MMI) 3 full days seminar, with my husband, Mike, at Singapore Expo. I must say that this is the best seminar that I ever attended so far as I have gained many valuable insights and profound realization about life and money.

One of my favorite session was the "The Power of Action". I realized that many at times, we do experience some kind of FEAR before doing something, e.g., fear of not able to complete a task, fear of people laughing at you if you can't do the task well, fear of the consequences if you did the task, etc, etc. This fear, sometimes stopped us from taking action.

While T. Harv Eker was explaining on this theory, he told the audience that we can break an arrow with the sternal notch of our throat (the part between the throat and the collarbone) and we are going to do that on that day! WHAT!!! He went on explaining and demonstrating in details the steps on how to break the arrow and even made us signed an indemnity form. He even scorned at us if we are not going to break the arrow with our throat. Then, with the help of his trainer restraining on the other end of the arrow, he broke the arrow with his throat on stage in front of everybody's eyes!!!

In my mind, I keep thinking that he must have some kind of training to do that... He was just trying to test our reaction if we are going to do it... He just wanted us to experience and overcome our fear that we are going through this "impossible" mission... He surely wouldn't risk our lives or allowing anyone to get hurt by asking us to perform such "dangerous" activities....Not in Singapore...???

Soon, we, about 5000 of attendees, were told to get into groups of 10. There are staff ready to distribute the arrows and goggles to protect the splint of the broken arrows from injuring our eyes. (...Wow... this simulation is very real... When is he going to say STOP?...) A leader was chosen from each group to collect the protective gears and arrows and each person got one set. (...Still not going to end the scaring tactics?...) We have to write down any fears or challenges that we have onto the arrow sticks and discussed with our partners. (...Serious?...)

Then, Harv gave the go ahead to start!!! WHAT!!! It's real and action time!!! We have to break the arrow with our throat!!!

Everyone got to do it anyway and no "chicken out" now. Mike, seeing no one taking action, volunteered to go first. (I secretly hope that he will not hurt himself or myself as we have our daughter Zoey waiting for us at home...) In just a couple of seconds, Mike adjusted the arrow head (of course the arrow head was not that piercing sharp type) with the other guy restraining the end of the arrow, gave a little push, the arrow bended and broke with a "thwack". Amazing! It was possible and done with little effort! We all cheered happily and so did other groups around us. I was eager to break the arrow too because I knew that I can do it too. My turn came and guess what? I broke the arrow too. Shiok feeling although my throat did hurt a little but it was a great feeling that I had snap the arrow in spite of fear that I couldn't do it.

That was a valuable lesson where I learned that "fear" is just an anticipation of pain or failure. Our mind is always scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. We are constantly thinking of "what if" and anticipating the pain that might come.

I am glad that I attended this MMI and participated in this challenge. It makes me realized that we have to change our limiting beliefs and fears, the need to be aware of our powerful and resourceful emotional states within ourselves, so that we can be prepared for all the possible challenges that we will face throughout our life.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Am Proud Of You!

I am quite relieved that I do not need to worry about my girl's academic performance so far... She has been topping her class in Primary One and Two consecutively. However, now in P3, she is in one of the two best class and her mid-year class position dropped to #9, probably because of the competition with the better student. For this, I am still very proud of her...

Recently, there is a Gifted Education Programme (GEP) test that is opened to all P3 students in Singapore but optional to participate. Nothing to lose, I let her take the first part, i.e., the screening test, just to gauge how clever is she.

One day, she came back from school and broke the happy news to me that she was one of the 12 in her school, being selected to participate in the second round, the Selection Test. Smart girl! If she pass this round, she will be the top 1% of the cohort intellectually gifted to be in GEP and may need to change to one of the few GEP schools to receive better education in P4 to P6.

However, I begin to have funny feeling inside me...One part of me hoping she can get through to this round and become the top 1% of but another side of me worrying of the competition and stress level that she may get in a highly competitive environment.

I myself is feeling so stress up in having to live in this world and I really do not want her to feel stress in any ways... Anyway, not to worry now... shall consider again when she gets her results in November. I still want to say that I am feeling very proud of her for able to participate in the GEP testing.

While I am updating this post, she is currently sitting her English paper now and general ability at 11 am in Damai Primary School. Tomorrow shall be Maths. Hope she just try her best and don't feel any stress....

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Magnificent New Zealand!

Hey, I just downloaded a copy of this amazing travel guide!!

===>>  46 Days In New Zealand!

This guide was published by my good friend Jenhuei who has been traveling for years! Last year July, Jenhuei and his wife FIRED THEIR BOSS and quit their day jobs and went all out for 2 months adventure in New Zealand!!

Now they have returned to their hometown Singapore and getting ready for the next trip. But before they take off for the next great voyage, they have authored a great guide that revealed a lot of useful information and their experience while traveling in New Zealand for 46 days!!

I've been to New Zealand for Honeymoon in Year 1997 and I really love this country. So, I managed to grab a copy and have a look at it… Guess what? I was totally blown away by this awesome guide! Honestly to tell you, I have never seen such a detailed guide with even daily expenses revealed! The guide fully covers the essential places to visit in New Zealand. You can save bunch of time on research and planning. This guide allows you to access to all the information that you need in one place!

=====>>>  46 Days In New Zealand!

This 173 pages guide not only revealed those essential and important places of interest, but also those 'secret' places that even New Zealanders may not know! On top of that, it comes with all the map and traveling path that has been optimized to enjoy the most while spend the least!! I'm amazed and it makes me want to hop onto a campervan and venture all the "secret" locations mentioned  which I want to experience myself. This is truly an interesting and enjoyable journal detailing real life and real experiences!

I heard that they may depart anytime soon and the guide may be removed from the website anytime from now. How can you miss out such a great guide that may open your eyes? It is definitely a great inspiration for you if you are planning to go backpack travel yourself. Take a look now at:

=======>>>>>>  46 Days In New Zealand!

Have a great trip!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome to Google Adsense

So many months already but still never earn money in Internet marketing. The IM program that I signed up did not make me a single cent as promised in the seminar, despite my many time and effort spending on it and following exactly what was taught. Google Adsense is required form monetization but the problem is many of the members including myself, applied for the account but was always being rejected for reasons such as site under construction; unacceptable site content, etc. What we were told by mentors and Shaun was to keep trying and trying... BS! I applied about 3 times using different IP address and names but were still being rejected! So, I resorted to buying one account at for US$25 in Jun 10.

No news from them and I email to enquire in July 10 but their response was to ask me to be patience... In August 10, Adsenseg refunded my US$25 probably because they could not get one for me... I gave up!

To my surprise on 23 Sep 10, I received an email from adsense!

Welcome to Google Adsense

Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:18 PM
Add sender to Contacts
the payee name Tan Kim Lan is approved.,

kindly make a payment of $25 to

As soon as i receive the payment, will sent you the login details.,


I was a bit skeptical when I saw this email because it could be a "scam" or case of someone posing adsenseg to cheat my money... However, I saw that the payee name was indeed my name, I choose to believe and paid up. The worst thing is that I only lose US$25, right?

Indeed, adsenseg sent me the login details! Yoohoo...!!!!

The first one I told was my IM good friend, JH. He was initiating autoblogging just a few days ago only but I was lamenting that I did not have google adsense.... Perhaps, it was "Law of Attraction"....

For the next few weeks, we embarked to create a few autoblogs and added all adsense to all my domains .... (Twalk domain site) (Snipr site) (Snipr site)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Unusual Mooncake

Now, mooncake is not traditional anymore....
This is a chocolate flavour mooncake.....

This one got sambal balecian ingredient....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wedding Bliss But Don't Irritate Us with Your Happiness

Slept late on Friday because today is Saturday and usually we can wake up a little bit later...

I was in a posh restaurant when all the goodies and yummy food finally arrived on the table and my saliva was drooling. I picked up my knife and fork really to indulge and have my first bite... Suddenly, I heard a loud alarm, "HONK HONK HONK HHHHOOOOOOOOONNNNKKK.....!!!!

Poof! There goes my food... I haven't even tasted it!

I remembered I didn't set the alarm so early...?? The honking went on continuously for about a few minutes. It is not a good way to waking up feeling angry at the start of the day... What's wrong with these people making such a great din, irritating peoples' morning at 6 am and spoiling my sweet dream.... I get up reluctantly from my bed, look over the windows to search where the noise came from... What the hell!

So, it was a couple getting married and they are honking their cars, all 3 cars! First thought that came to my grumpy mind early in the morning... BIG DEAL that you are getting married today! BIG DEAL that you need to inform the whole estate that you have arrived to pick up your bride! And BIG DEAL that you have to wake everyone up in such an irritable way!!! On impulse, I opened the windows and ready to vent my anger by shouting at them to stop...

Just when I opened my mouth to blurt out my +*#@&# language, my angel inner voice asked me to spare them in their wedding bliss. It is not easy for a couple to meet and know each other and to finally tie the knots together and get married. Who doesn't want to make their BIG DAY memorable? Who wants their BIG DAY to be a spoiler with someone shouting hostility at them? Bad luck, right?!

Being kindhearted and forgiving, as well as applying the principles in the Law of Attraction, I decided to bless them. I need to wake up anyway, but just only today a bit earlier. I want to be happy and don't want to feel angry over such this small incident. I sincerely wish that this couple and all other couples happily married and enjoy their new lifestyle together.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life Changing Decisions

I have always been reluctant to changes in life. Perhaps, I was contented with my lifestyle or simply not interested to take action to change.
Well, after I really got sick of my worklife, I made a very big decision early this year. I quit my job and intended to sit around doing nothing for 2 months before getting another job. I was going to award myself by giving myself a big rest and to think of what I really want for my life.
Then, I chanced upon a course, "Millionaire Investment Program" (MIP) where they teach you value investment and how to invest like Warren Buffett. I took interest in it and paid about $3000 for this 3 day course hoping that it will change my lifestyle if I master the strategies / skills and invest like Warren Buffett. Sad to say, this course didn't have any effect on me, probably there was no strong support after that and you got to "swim" yourself...
However, the best part was that this MIP course offered me a ticket to attend  "National Achievers Congress" (NAC) held on 27 - 29 Apr 10. What's THAT??? Never in my life I heard of that but because the ticket was free and I got nothing better to do, I attended the full 3 days seminar.
I was glad that I signed up MIP and attended the NAC. The 3 days NAC seminar really blew my mind away as I never know that there were so many avenues of making money and creating multiple streams of income, which most of them I would never ever thought of it at all! There was many speakers talking about different ways of creating wealth such as property investment, tax liens, transforming of business and sales, trading and forex and also internet marketing, etc. I felt so overwhelmed and excited about this and was cursing myself for wasting so much time and not know all these money making things in my whole past 36 years. As there were many up-selling throughout the 3 days and all of them were superb, I can only choose one as I can't afford to join all programs. I finally picked the most impressive speaker, Shaun Stenning on internet marketing where he make thousands of dollars in a short span of time. I have been on his program, Twalk, since May 10 and I am glad that I took action. Now, I'm learning as much as possible on online marketing and I believe that I will earn a lot of making money online. I have no regrets and my passion on this thingy is ever so great.
Did I motivated you? Go ahead, make decision to change your life and don't regret. Once again, I am changing my lifestyle for better...
Look out for my next post for more sharing and insights on my internet marketing journey...
Till then, see you.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Next Wave Event - How to Make Money Online?

"Two young Internet Millionaires want to help you RETIRE from your current JOB in less than 2 years from now "

 The most profitable money making wave in history is coming.

Driven by new technology and the power of the Internet this next wave will create a new generation of millionaires and multi-millionaires out of people just like you.

We invite you to join us and get on this "Next Wave" fast. So fast in fact we're bringing together for the first ever for two young Internet Millionaires to show you how to profitably ride this "Next Wave".

This is not a hype because this next money making wave is driven by people just like you, who have a hunger to learn more so that you can live life on your own terms.

Make no mistake this "Next Wave" is coming and it will create Internet Millionaires from people just like you. You just have to be smart enough to get on this next wave early by learning from real Internet Millionaires with the results in the bank like the two young Internet Millionaires we have for you.

This is an opportunity of a life time for you to get access to these two young Internet Millionaires for 3 information packed days. At this event you're going to discover 7 of their best "Internet Marketing Millionaire Blueprints" for making money online that have made them Internet millionaires in less than 2 years!

What's more this will be the first time they've have come together on stage in Malaysia and Singapore to share with you how you can join them on this next money making wave.
This exciting new 3 day event is called... "The Next Wave - New Age Instant Internet Wealth Strategies"

Here's a snap shot of what you'll discover on just day one at this event:

"The Dollars In Are The Domains Blueprint"

  • How to identify highly profitable domain name keywords including the no.1 thing that you can do to fast track your success in finding ULTRA profitable keywords!
  • Aged Domain Secrets... how to quickly make money from a domain name that someone else has let go. (This is so simple but very quick to implement and profit from.)
  • 3 great places to research and buy new or aged domains. Make no mistake speed of research is very important when using this blueprint, so save yourself time and money by discovering our information first.

"Web Site Flipping For Profit Blueprint"

  • Start Here --- The first place to look when you are looking for a potential website to buy and then flip for profit. (Plus we will give lots of case studies you can model here and profit from.)
  • Flip It Like A Pro... 5 little known steps to cover so that you make money when buying and selling your first flip site.
  • No HTML Needed... how to easily build a website on a new or aged domain site and sell it for a profit. (And the good news is we'll show how to do this even if you don't know how to create a website right now. I love this blueprint because if you can write an email you can make money from this blueprint.) 

We'll even throw in these bonuses you can use IMMEDIATELY to get started and earning right away! (Only for a LIMITED time!)

BONUS #1: MEGA PACKAGE: Outsource Profit (Value $1327.00)

Outsource Profits will teach you how to build a profitable online business from the ground up - This blueprint is completely different from any other typical internet marketing system out there. You'll learn how to find OTHER people to build your business and do all the work for you without spending a fortune. And the best part of this blueprint, you'll soon learn, you can repeat your success over and over again with the same formula to build multiple streams of income!

BONUS #2: Following The Guru (Value $67.00)

In "Following The Guru", you can learn some valuable lessons that will ramp up even your "non-guru" offerings and have other marketers looking to you in amazement.
You'll discover how to get people lining up to order your new products.
As you read this new book you'll understand what really does set them apart from the 95% of marketers who are struggling online.

BONUS #3: Awesome Membership Riches (Value $97.00)

You will discover how to start your FREE membership site in a simple step-by-step fashion - yet still make truckloads of cash from it!
You will also discover how to spread the word about your membership site like a virus and recruit members for you around the clock like a mad house - without extra effort on your part! No, this membership marketing technique has absolutely NOTHING to do with recruiting affiliates.

 BONUS #4: How To Write Your Own Killer Salesletter (Value $19.97)

Discover the true concept of a sales letter that kills. There a lot of rumors and myths about writing sales copies and I clear the fog of doubt once and for all by slicing through the nonsense and give you all of what you need to know and understand about writing your very own powerful sales copy.
Discover all the 12 hot words you must use in your sales letter in order to tap into your prospect's desire and emotions and persuade them to act now - not later!

BONUS #5: Become A Master Affiliate Marketer (Value $97.00)

With this one book, How To Become A Master Affiliate Marketer, you'll receive all of the techniques and know-how you could ever need to get started and become extremely successful at earning money through affiliate programs online. It will teach you the latest strategies, techniques and methods for using affiliate programs to earn really great cash.

BONUS #6: Milking The eBay Cash Cow (Value $27.00)

Inside I have revealed my secret story to success on eBay, where you can easily follow all the steps needed from getting started, right up to the point of knowing your figures to becoming a successful eBay Power seller.
You can copy my system to success, and finally learn behind the scene secrets from a successful eBay Power seller, so you too can potentially dominate multi million dollar markets

BONUS #7: The Secrets to High Profit Websites (Value $97.00)

Through The Secrets to High Profit Websites: How to Setup Your Sites for Maximum Profitability, you'll learn quite a few things about website creation and marketing.With my ebook, learn specific search engine optimization techniques that only the Gurus know! Indeed, if you want to get anywhere with website marketing, you need to rank high in the search engines. This will save you lots of money in the long run.


BONUS #8: Free Traffic Explosion (Value $47.00)

In this ebook, not only will you learn where and how to generate massive streams of targeted traffic (did I mention for FREE?), but you'll learn how to plug the 'holes' in your marketing system that could be causing you to lose those valuable visitors!

BONUS #9: Fast Content Producer (Value $97.00)

This amazing software program holds the secret key to chopping up syndicated content and public domain works to help you win the search engine game, get higher rankings and bring in more traffic than you can ever hope to handle! It's true, with this amazing tool, you can now build all the content pages you need to succeed online ?in four simple steps!

BONUS #10: Social Marketing Secrets (Value $37.00)

Take the mystery out of what many expert marketers are calling "the future of Internet marketing"? This easy to understand report is loaded with exactly the kind of information you need to launch your own Social Marketing campaign or improve your existing Web 2.0 strategy. You owe it to yourself as an entrepreneur to get the goods on how Social Networking and Web 2.0 work, and how they can help you drive your business into the future full speed ahead.

BONUS #11: Traffic Marketing Videos (Value $97.00)

What you need is Traffic Marketing Videos which features 10 videos, all packed with useful information. You will benefit from the course's highly organized lessons and you will gain the upper hand that you are looking for. If you are an absolute beginner in SEO, you are actually at an advantage as you don't have the misconceptions and prejudice that webmasters commonly have about SEO.

That's over $2000++ worth of Bonuses!!! And these BONUSES will only be offered for a LIMITED TIME!!

To receive your added Bonuses, EMAIL YOUR RECEIPT after signing up to

Make no mistake this is the kind of information that most sell-a-ton seminars wash over... but not at this 3 day information packed event.
Shaun & Vince are going to give you all the steps you need to take you from where you are today to where you want to be in the future.

P.S. Just so you know this event is expected to sell out fast. This message and more like it will be seen by over 1 million people in the next few weeks. Which means without a doubt it will sell out and it will sell out fast.

To receive your added Bonuses, EMAIL YOUR RECEIPT after signing up to

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Social Networking Sites are So Popular?

Do you use the internet on a regular basis?  If you do, you may know and/or already have accounts in websites such as, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Friendfeed, etc. so, what is common in them? They are social networking websites! They have, over the past few years, increased tremendously in popularity and are attracting in millions of internet users! Only recently, Facebook announced that it has passed the 500 million member mark!

I have joined several of these social networking websites and am enjoying the lifestyle of using the internet to communicate and socializing with people.  I have also been observing this phenomenon of  these websites gaining popularity and would like to share the reasons for the popularity:-
  • Great variety and different social networking websites available in the internet. You just need to perform a google search and you can get a whole list conveniently;
  • Most of these websites are free to use and very easy to sign up. Basically, an email account and some basic information such as your name and password will do;
  • Websites are easy to use and navigate and you need only minimum knowledge of internet;
  • Allows you to connect with friends and relatives online. You can also make new friends easily by just adding and requesting them to be your friends;
  • Many websites come with different formats or different specialties. While many are for social networking purpose and micro-blogging, some even allow you to create free webpage or free blogs such as Shoutem, Vox, Posterous, etc. Other examples such as LinkedIn allows you to network with professionals in your industry and others and it is a good way to get to know people with similar business interests.
  • Ability to put advertisement and market affiliate or own products. You can take the opportunity of such a vast community by monetizing and making money online while still enjoy  your social networking with friends.
Social networking is changing how people communicate with friends, family, businesses and everyone else online. It is becoming a revolution on the way people are making money online. If you have never know what is social networking before, go and register a Facebook account to start with now and enjoy your social lifestyle!
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GoodBye, My Handsome!

Today is a sad day for me and my handsome. We have been together for 6 years and today we have to part our ways. It is always the case that when you are spending less and less time with each other, you will feel that you do not need him so much anymore...

I do get sentimental especially the thing or person has been with me for a period of time and we had developed a strong feelings with each other. For my handsome, he was such a darling and always there for me when I needed him...

Okay, okay, my handsome is my Chevrolet 1.6A Optra sedan car which I sold away today. I sold off my handsome because I had quit my job and was not using him as often as before. *sob sob*

Recalling our happy moments together... I drove him almost everywhere I go and he had never had any mishap or accidents before. (Or should I say it was my good driving skill? *smile*) Well, the only major incident was about 2 years ago, his battery went totally flat and I couldn't revive him at all. He scared the shit out of me then, and I had to call the mechanic ambulance to rescue him! Luckily, after an operation, he was fit as a bull again.

From the day I decided to own a car, I already know that the car value will depreciate daily and the monthly expenses required for financing car loan, ever rising car petrol price, carparking fees, road taxes, insurances and maintenance, etc. However, because I wanted that kind of lifestyle and the convenience of a car when I was able to afford it, that's why I bought the car.
Now that the situation is different, I had to forgo that kind of luxury and to change to a car-free lifestyle. It took me awhile to make the hard decision to sell and I finally persuaded myself based on rational and wise reasons. Of course, first main reason is that I can slash away all the monthly expenses incurred for owning a car and the money saved can be used for other better purpose, thus reducing my financial burden. Moreover, the public transportation such as MRT trains, buses and taxi is so accessible. I did a quick calculation... If I were to take taxi (the more expensive means of transport) everywhere I go, my overall total transportation cost will still be cheaper compared to owning a car!

*Sigh*... now the fact the my handsome is gone forever, life still has to go on and I believe I will get used to life with him. I will still miss my handsome dearly with only fond memories to keep. Hope that he can find a good owner that will take care of him just as I do.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bowling Fun

Still remember what is a baby split? Turkey? Brooklyn? Spare? Strike? These are the terms used in a bowling game...

Bowling is a popular pastime for Americans of ...

Bowling is one of my favorite sports game and I used to frequent the bowling alley once a week, 5 continuous games per visit... Wa, bowled until my arm and fingers ached... I also have my 11-pound personal bowling ball, shoes and bag.

This is my personal bowling ball

I tried to learn how to throw / hook my ball with a curving effect to look cool... (Doesn't it look cool if your ball can curve, hit the pocket and strike?) Well, unless it is the condition of the lane, else, I always can't get that effect...*shy shy* So what I do is just have to concentrate to release my ball at the right position and make it straight, hit as many pins as possible... Just don't wash the "long kao" (gutter ball) can already... Hahaha...

As I frequent the bowling alley, I always see a lot of bad habits and irritable actions of other bowlers. I share with you some of the basic etiquette and rules that are common sense, that express courtesy and good sportsmanship so that you can be aware of, next time you go bowling.

1) Right of Way
When two bowlers are on adjacent lanes, and simultaneously ready to bowl, the bowler on the right delivers first. Example, if the other person is on your right, you let him go first. Conversely, if you're on somebody else's right, they are to let you roll your shot first. It is so very distracting walking up to roll your shot and suddenly somebody comes up their lane from your right or left.

2) Wear Bowling Shoes When Bowling
By not wearing bowling shoes, you can leave marks on the approach, making bowlers more susceptible to falling down. Also, non-bowling shoes can squeak. These cause distractions. 

3) Don't take a practice swing with your bowling ball on the concourse or behind the approach.
Not only is this distracting to those bowling, you can hurt someone. Wait until you are upon the approach itself before doing any practice exercises.

4) Get ready when it's your turn to bowl.
It takes away the fun when it's your / someone's turn and you / he cannot be found.

Saratoga Lanes ball return
5) Do bowl immediately when it is your turn.
Once you have your ball, assume your stance and start your delivery. I saw bowlers hesitating to roll, pulling back when about to throw, keep adjusting their position and stance, even dropped the whole bowling ball onto the floor! These cause delay and irritations.

6) Don't interrupt bowlers. 
Talking to the person who is about to bowl will distract him. Let him concentrate to bowl well.

Found one interesting video to share. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Best Bak Kut Teh in JB?

One of our family's favorite food is Bak Kut Teh! We heard from friends that somewhere in Malaysia Kota Tinggi has the best Bak Kut Teh! So, we drove in early in the morning at about 9 am.

You can hardly missed the place as you can see a big yellow signboard showing “Kiang Kee” Bak Kut Tea (肉骨茶). Like an attap hut, it is quite easy to be located on the roadside and there is an open space beside to park your car.

What we ordered..?
 Dark Braised Pig Trotters
More of "Tao Pok", pig's stomach and intestine and braised veg
And of course, the famous Bak Kut Teh!

While waiting for the food to arrive, I inspected their kitchen...
 and... hey, this full of flavour BKT with herbal soup and yummy pork ribs is cooked in charcoal stove!

Verdict? This BKT is more of a herbal taste, darker colour soup and tasty with generous amount of pork ribs. As I always say, different people have different taste and liking. well, some people really like more herbal taste. But, for me, I find it not too bad although I like it more pepperish and clearer soup type. It is still worth going all the way there for a try as you can get a different eating experience and environment there!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Art Of Wine Tasting

Life most enjoyable thing is to have friends and family gather together regularly, chit chat, have fun, eat some good food and drink some wine. I love to drink wine, red or white, but I am not one who is so rich to buy expensive bottles of wine to keep. I only buy good bottles of wine to my liking, with prices ranging from $20 - $50.

There are so many brands and types of wine available. I am not a professional wine taster and do not know much on how to appreciate a good quality wine. Like what I always say, different people have different liking... I just love to drink wine that is smooth, easy to drink and good after taste.

Drinking wine is an art to drink wine? I know little but you can follow the following guides and you can drink and taste wine like a pro soon.

The first thing to do with wine is to look.  You should always start by pouring the wine into a clear glass, then taking a few minutes to look at the color.  As far as the color goes, white whines aren't white, but actually yellow, green, or brown.  Red wines, on the other hand, are normally a pale red or dark brown color.  Red wine gets better with age, while white wines get more stale with age.

Next, is the smell of the wine. To get a good impression of your wine's aroma, swirl your glass for a solid 10-12 seconds (this helps vaporize some of the wine's alcohol and release more of its natural aromas) and then take a quick whiff to gain a first impression. You should start with a brief smell to get a general idea of the wine, then take a deep, long smell.  This deeper smell should allow you take the flavor of the wine in. Do you smell oak, berry, flowers, vanilla or citrus? A wine's aroma is an excellent indicator of its quality and unique characteristics.

Finally, taste the wine.  Start with a small sip and let it roll around your mouth. To get the proper taste from wine, however, you need to swish it around in your mouth and allow your taste buds and sense of smell to bring out the unique and fine flavors in the wine. After swallowing, you will be able to distinguish the after taste of the wine, and the overall flavor.

The art of wine tasting is indeed an art.  Wine tasters do however, follow some general guidelines and rules that judge how great a wine is.  These techniques can help you bring the most out of your wine, providing you follow them and know how to bring out the taste.

Once you have looked at the wine, smelled it, and finally tasted it, you will be able to evaluate the wine from a taster's standpoint.  This is the easiest way to determine the quality of the wine, and whether or not it has been properly stored and aged.  As with all things in life - the more you taste wine - the better you will get at distinguishing the unique flavors. Read more in How To Taste Wines if you are interested.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Power of Mastermind Group!

My lifestyle that I used have is to do things on my own and not asking people's opinion. I believed then that I can do the things myself without anyone's help. I also kept my mouth shut when friends were sharing their problems or stories as I opined that I could not decide for them for I fear of offering wrong advice. They have to make choices themselves, right? Was I an introvert or a selfish person? Not sure...

2 months ago, I joined an internet marketing program (Twalk). I used to switch on the computer only to surf the internet and read emails and I know little of internet marketing. There was so much to learn and I was having a hard time. Fortunately, I joined a like-minded group and we formed a Mastermind group, whom we share common goals on achieving success and earning tonnes of money in this program. It was truly amazing and I must say that I am able to achieve more in less time. Although our group, till now has met only thrice, we did a lot of sharing and and I felt that I had accelerated my learning through all the encouragement and motivation gained in the group.

We are also very fortunate to have a great mentor directing us and "driving" us to work. A book recommended by him, which all of the group members find it very beneficial in our desire to get rich and personal development. is Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. The writer had explained the Master Mind principle as, “when a group of individual brains is coordinated and functions in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual brain in the group.” As the saying goes two heads are better then one, I totally agreed on this and our mastermind group is meeting for the purpose of problem solving, networking, support and encouraging and motivating each other!
Being a part of a Mastermind group has changed some of my lifestyle and the way I look at things. It is an enriching experience to me and the power of mastermind group has also allowed me to move past my limiting beliefs. I don't need to be a lone ranger and I don't have to figure things out on your own and I am not that introvert or selfish anymore...
I urge you to also start or join one in order to Mastermind Your Way to Success!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Beautiful Cool Bracelet

Not sure what to buy for your loved ones for birthdays or any worth celebrating?

Ha! I found out a selection of cool looking silver cuff bracelet that may be just perfect as a gift or maybe one for yourself.

It also teaches you the different styles to wear on your arm too. Go see for yourself. I'm going to get one too!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Make Your Own Decision!

Today, I am writing some serious stuff... which is, our life's choices and the decisions that we make.

I felt that life is like a road. Roads can be long and short; smooth and rocky; crooked and straight, etc. As we walk through our life, many roads would come in our way. There are roads that lead to marriage or single life; roads to fame or isolation; roads to wealth or poverty; roads to happiness or sadness; roads towards victory or defeat, etc.

We may need to detour or slow down while walking and then somehow, somewhere we will come to crossroads where we need to make decisions on which way to go. We will be in a situation that you need to go forward as we cannot stay at the same position forever. We will face dilemma as there are no certainty that the direction we choose is the right one, right? My own examples were when I was choosing which polytechnic to go and what faculty to take, when deciding whether my then boyfriend (now husband) can be my life partner in marriage or when I was pondering whether to switch jobs.

One important things I realized about life, i.e, nobody guarantees happiness or eternity. There are too many possible consequences and we are unable to control.

No matter what, we have to decide. What I do is to gather more information, list down the pros and cons of my options, weigh the consequences, then trust myself to make a decision. You would never know that our decision would be wrong until we have made it, Who knows, our wrong decision may become a blessing in disguise and it becomes another opportunity to us!

Once we have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But I do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, I learn from it and remember I always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.